Her News | About


Her News Team

Her News welcomes aspiring writers in grades 3 through 12 to join our startup news team. Staff can brainstorm content ideas, conduct interviews, and generate pieces ranging from articles to relevant videos to fictional stories––all to educate and inspire the larger Her Move Next community. All Her News staff will receive a free crash course on journalistic skills and standards.  

We believe Her News is an excellent opportunity for students to pursue a passion for writing, strengthen communications skills, increase their involvement in the Her Move Next movement, and gain first-hand operative experience at our startup news team.

Some considerations:

·       There is no set time obligation to join the staff. We are predicting that staff members will be asked to write one to two pieces per month, though this will be officially decided at a later date.

·       There is no cost to join Her News. The team will be run by experienced high school volunteers.

·       All final submissions to Her News become property of HerMoveNext Foundation Inc with no promise that submissions will be published.

·       Selection criteria for joining the Her News team or for having content submissions accepted is at the sole discretion of the HerMoveNext Foundation Inc.

To join the Her News team, please fill out this form. We also ask that applicants submit a short writing sample (maximum 600 words) to chloe.hermovenext@gmail.com. Parents/guardians should provide an email with permission for their child to participate. 

While placement on the staff is not guaranteed, we anticipate offering many applicants opportunities to contribute to Her News. Additionally, though only students in grades 3 through 12 can join the Her News staff, younger players are encouraged to submit article ideas, pieces, and artwork to chloe.hermovenext@gmail.com.